Privacy Policy for the M&C Travel Events YouTube Page

Thank you for your interest in the YouTube channel of M&C Travel Events GmbH (hereinafter “M&C Travel Events” or “we”). YouTube is an Internet video portal that enables video publishers to post video clips free of charge and other users to view, rate and comment on them free of charge. YouTube allows the publication of all types of videos, which is why complete film and television programs, but also music videos, trailers or videos made by users themselves can be accessed via the Internet portal.

1. Definition

The data protection declaration of the M&C Travel Events is based on the terms used by the European legislator for the adoption of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). For better understanding, we would like to explain these terms in advance.

1.1. Personal data

Personal data means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (“data subject”). An identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person.

1.2. Data subject

Data subject is any identified or identifiable natural person whose personal data is processed by the person responsible for processing.

1.3. Processing

Processing is any operation or set of operations, which is performed on personal data or on sets of personal data, whether or not by automated means, such as collection, recording, organisation, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, distribution or or any other form of provision, comparison or linking, restriction, erasure or destruction.

1.4. Restriction of processing

Restriction of processing is the marking of stored personal data with the aim of limiting their processing in the future.

1.5. Controller or controller responsible for the processing

Controller or controller responsible for the processing is the natural or legal person, public authority, institution or other body that alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data. If the purposes and means of this processing are specified by Union or Member State law, the controller or the specific criteria for his appointment can be provided in accordance with Union or Member State law.

1.6. Third party

Third party is a natural or legal person, public authority, institution or body other than the data subject, controller, processor and persons who, under the direct authority of the controller or processor, are authorized to process the personal data.

1.7. Consent

Consent is any voluntary, informed and unambiguous declaration of intent given by the person concerned for the specific case in the form of a declaration or other unequivocal affirmative action with which the person concerned indicates that he or she agrees to the processing of his or her personal data.

2. Name and Address of the controller

As part of a tiered provider relationship, M&C Travel Events and YouTube LLC share responsibility within the meaning of Art. 26 GDPR for data processing on the M&C Travel Events YouTube channel.

The operator of the YouTube channel ‘M&C Travel Events’ is:
M&C Travel Events GmbH
Rudolf-Diesel-Strasse 32
73760 Ostfildern
tel.: +49 711 34 29 10 0

Name and Address of the Data Protection Officer:
Mr Matthias Herrlinger
Jägerstraße 4F
71296 Heimsheim
tel.: +49 7033 49 63 870

The operator of the YouTube platform is:
YouTube LLC
901 Cherry Ave.
San Bruno, CA 94066

YouTube, LLC is a subsidiary of Google LLC
1600 Amphitheatre Parkway
Mountain View, CA 94043

3. Purpose and scope of data processing

M&C Travel Events is present in social networks in order to present itself to their users and to communicate with them. The M&C Travel Events YouTube channel is primarily used as a marketing tool to present the company and its services to external.

YouTube members have the opportunity to make public contact with M&C Travel Events. This is done through a public comment on the M&C Travel Events corporate channel. Personal contact is voluntary and, in all cases, comes from the user.

M&C Travel Events uses personal data exclusively to analyse user behaviour via the statistics provided by YouTube and to communicate with the user, provided that the user has started contacting M&C Travel Events via the public comment function.

YouTube provides users’ personal data in an aggregated and anonymous form. The following information is provided by YouTube, for example: followers, reach, demographics of the users. These statistics do not allow any conclusions to be drawn about individual users. Information about information on personal data can therefore only be requested directly via YouTube. M&C Travel Events can only view the public information of the users. The user himself determines this information in his private settings. In addition, the user has the option to actively hide likes or to stop following the M&C Travel Events corporate channel. For more information, go to

The deletion of the data by M&C Travel Events takes place after the purpose no longer applies. M&C Travel Events has no influence on data deletion by YouTube. For more information, go to

When visiting the YouTube channel of M&C Travel Events, user data can be processed outside of the European Union. In principle, German or European data protection law does not apply in these jurisdictions. This can make it more difficult to enforce users’ personal rights. US providers who are certified for the Privacy Shield have committed to complying with EU data protection standards. M&C Travel Events is subject to YouTube’s data protection requirements and has no influence on how YouTube uses personal data such as surname, first name, IP addresses, etc. of users. The purpose and scope of the data collection and the further processing and use of the data by YouTube as well as the related rights and setting options to protect the privacy of users can be found in YouTube’s data protection information

The processing of the users’ personal data takes place on the basis of Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f. GDPR. As the operator of a presence in a social medium, M&C Travel Events has a legitimate interest in effectively informing users and communicating with users. If the user has consented to the data processing – for example by clicking a checkbox – the legal basis for the processing is Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. a., Art. 7 GDPR.

The data guideline published by Google as the provider of the ‘YouTube’ service provides information on the collection, processing and use of personal data. It also explains which setting options Google and YouTube offer to protect the privacy of the person concerned. More about the basic privacy settings and functions under Google has submitted to the EU-U.S. Privacy Shields and agrees to meet the data protection standards of the European Union. The EU-U.S. Privacy Shield can be found under the following link

When you visit the M&C Travel Events YouTube channel, YouTube, as the person responsible, collects personal data from users. Such data collection by YouTube can also take place from visitors to this page who are not logged in or registered with YouTube. YouTube usually uses and processes user data for market research and advertising purposes. For example, usage profiles can be created from user behaviour and the resulting interests of the user. The usage profiles can in turn be used, for example, to place advertisements inside and outside YouTube that presumably correspond to the interests of the users. For these purposes, cookies are usually stored on the user’s computer, in which the usage behaviour and the interests of the user are stored. Furthermore, data can be stored in the usage profiles regardless of the devices used by the users (especially if the users are members of YouTube and are logged in to them).

In the case of requests for information and the enforcement of user rights, it is pointed out that this can done most effectively directly against Google. Only Google has access to user data and can take appropriate action and provide information directly.

M&C Travel Events provides the user also alternative communication options – outside of the network – to get in touch with the company (website, telephone, e-mail, etc.)

4. Google Cookies

Google uses cookies to provide, protect and improve Google services. Cookies are small pieces of text that are used to store information in web browsers. Cookies are used to store or receive IDs and other information on computers, telephones and other devices. For more information on the use of Google cookies, see

5. Youtube comment function

If a user leaves a public comment on the M&C Travel Events YouTube channel, this only reflect the user’s opinion. M&C Travel Events dissociates itself from any statements made by third parties and accepts no liability or guarantee for the correctness and completeness of the content or links in the comments. M&C Travel Events reserves the right to delete user content (comments) that is inadmissible and/or contrary to common decency and/or infringes the rights of other users at any time.

6. Exposure of your data on the Internet

Both on the Internet in general and on social media platforms, there is the possibility of worldwide access or retrieval of the data and images, even from countries in which there is no or insufficient data protection standard. As the operator of this offer, M&C Travel Events can neither influence the access to your data via the Internet nor the use of this data and in this respect also assume no guarantee for the observance of data protection in this environment.

With suitable search engines, personal data can be found on the Internet and the people depicted in images can also be identified under certain circumstances. This also makes it possible to create personality profiles by merging this data and information with other data available on the Internet and to open up additional options for use, for example for advertising purposes. Due to the possibilities of worldwide retrieval and storage of the data by other bodies or persons, further use by other bodies or persons or being found via archive functions of search engines cannot be ruled out in the event of a request for deletion and despite the removal of your data and images.